Friday, 28 December 2012

The year we all anticipated, the year we hoped for change, it has gone and we begin a new era, a new year.
The year 2012 brought joy to some and sorrow to others, we lost our loved ones in death, lost our friends because of our jealousy and insecurity, lost our humanity by killing our fellow humans like animals, lost our roads and produce to violent storms, we lost a part of our economy.
The year began with the fuel subsidy strike all over the country, our economy was practically on pause, and so was education. So many lives were lost due to the riots, prices of commodities skyrocketed making life harder for the common man. Transportation also became an issue. On the lighter side, Nigerians always find ways to amuse themselves even in the midst of a disaster. They made funny pictures and jokes.
Churches were rendered unsafe by Boko haram extremists who bombed several churches, so many lives were lost. While we were getting over these tragedies came another, Dana air plane crashed and fell over some buildings in Lagos state killing a large number of people.
Several fatal road accidents took place. As a matter of fact, I personally lost a close friend in a fatal accident, so many videos circulated containing the aftermath of some of these accidents, I cried after watching these videos.
Another disaster that hit us is the release of two singles by a musician whom I shall not name but I think you know who he or she is (poko). The singles destroyed so many phone speakers, ear drums; the punishment of listening to the song changed some delinquent children for the better . Let's take a minute of silence for these phones that were destroyed.
A new style of dancing was added to our culture courtesy of p square called alingo, I can't do the dance it but I heard energy is needed to do so, we also heard of gangnam style.
The country was shaken by yet another tragedy, 4 young men were gruesomely murdered in broad daylight, this occurred only a few months after students were killed in Mubi by unknown men.
Rain storms came late in the year and displaced so many people from their homes, even our roads were rendered useless b the storms. In several states, babies were found in lakes and creeks dead, when some women will give their lives to experience motherhood.
Throughout the year we lost something and gained something as well but after all that has been said, if you're reading this post, you should be grateful that you are alive to see the end of the year, for so many have fallen along the way, instead of complaining about what we didn't achieve, we should be grateful that we have tomorrow to try again, some people never got this chance. We should be grateful for the friends we have, for the family who support us, for the air we breathe.
I wish to thank you for reading my posts in the past months and I pray God grants you long life and prosperity and most importantly, peace of mind. GOD BLESS YOU………….

Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTN


  1. You are really a source of inspiration to thousands of my followers kip it up and kip us posted on a weekly basis....thanks dear

  2. This is really great. It's a privilege to be alive at this time of the year.

  3. I just stumbled on ur blog... really nice :)
